6x6 Project Blog

Finishing touches.


This is the final weekend of the workshop. Aside from the new haptic motor, I am basically done and have been putting finishing touches on the model. I focused on getting the circuit board components in place to make sure there was enough space for the PCB designer. Wiring paths also needed to be solidified, for mechanical design it is always important you know where the wires are going to lay.

Since last post I also finished putting in the topside of the air duct. It was essential. It isolates the intake and outtake paths as well as better directs the outtake path to the heater. Additionally, I used it to coverup and hold the fan wiring to the circuit board.

I have really been focusing on details. A lot of little things, details that make a model possible verse imaginary. I also settled on a name and place holder website. The shortened name will just be “bob”, and the logo will have a little line underscoring the center “o”.

The only big part I still need to address is the haptic motor. I originally planned for a disc-shaped haptic motor mounted on the back of the chassis. Although when working with yesterday, the wiring to get from circuit board to the back of chassis seemed unnecessary and too much work for a smooth manufacturing. I noticed I may have space on the front circuit board side and decided to give a spring contact barrel-shaped haptic motor a shot. Luckily it fits. So now I will modify the light pipe to include a feature to hold the haptic motor down onto the circuit board.

With two days left I am getting nervous even though I am basically done with the device.


Day before we present. I am ready, just had to finish the holding spot for the haptic feedback motor. Worked out really well. Way better than I had originally planned for it to be assembled at the beginning of the process. Now the motor and PCB are both held in place by the light pipe plastic. A future revision could even see the blue airpath component combined with the light pipe.

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